Can Small Gestational Sac Catch Up Size
After completing this journal-based SA-CME activity, participants will exist able to:
■ Draw issues related to safe interpretation of US findings in first-trimester pregnancy, including definitely normal findings, definitely abnormal findings, and indeterminate findings that require follow-upwardly.
■ List criteria that are diagnostic for pregnancy failure and suspicious for pregnancy failure.
■ Identify the right management strategy for a pregnancy of unknown location with normal or near-normal adnexa.
Pelvic ultrasonography (US) and testing of the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) serum levels are fundamental to diagnosis of early pregnancy and guide direction of its associated complications. US imaging in early on pregnancy should be primarily endovaginal, with transabdominal imaging used for adnexal masses loftier in the pelvis and documentation of the amount of free fluid. These tests let distinction among the diagnostic possibilities of early pregnancy—intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) versus ectopic pregnancy, viable versus nonviable IUP, IUP of uncertain viability, and pregnancy of unknown location—and accept contributed to the marked decline in mortality from ectopic pregnancy since the 1980s (1). Even so, misuse of these tests and misinterpretation of the findings can lead to unintentional impairment to potentially viable pregnancies, such as administration of methotrexate for suspected ectopic pregnancy when, in fact, an early on IUP is nowadays but not recognized, resulting in embryonic demise or clinically meaning birth defects (2). In several instance reports, the teratogenic effects of methotrexate in fetuses take been documented (3–5), but inappropriate apply of methotrexate due to misdiagnosis is likely underreported in the medical literature. Given the big number of get-go-trimester pregnancies that undergo US surveillance, the danger of misdiagnosis potentially causing harm to viable pregnancies should not exist underestimated. In 2012, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound convened a multispecialty console of radiologists, obstetricians, and emergency medicine physicians and established bourgeois US criteria for definitive diagnosis of pregnancy failure to minimize the possibility of harming a potentially feasible IUP (6).
Appreciating the diverse consensus panel recommendations and implementing them effectively requires a comprehensive understanding of normal and abnormal US appearances during the early on starting time trimester. In this article, we review the normal development of early IUP betwixt 4 and viii weeks of gestational age and provide a pictorial review of the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound 2012 consensus panel terminology, besides as diagnostic criteria for nonviable IUP and IUP of uncertain viability. Because of variability in the quality of United states of america images obtained in early pregnancy, standard divergence of measurements, and variance in man development, the criteria are bourgeois, and the concept of "watchful waiting" in potentially early on ectopic pregnancy is emphasized. In add-on, this commodity illustrates the indicators of poor prognosis and addresses direction of a pregnancy of unknown location. The role of follow-upwards pelvic US and monitoring of β-hCG levels is reviewed.
Normal Development of Early IUP betwixt four and 8 Weeks of Gestational Age
Gestational age is calculated from the first day of a woman'southward last menstrual period; however, it is important to appreciate that conception does non take place until after ovulation, approximately 2 weeks after the last menstrual period. This accounts for the 2-week discrepancy between the clinical and histologic gestational age. A gestational sac tin can first be visualized at endovaginal U.s. at 4.5–five.0 weeks of gestational age as a two–iii-mm rounded intrauterine fluid collection (7). The mean sac diameter (MSD) growth rate is 1.13 mm per twenty-four hour period merely is often variable (eight). Earlier visualization of a yolk sac or embryo to ostend the fluid collection as a true gestational sac, two signs may be used. The intradecidual sign (Fig one), defined equally an eccentrically located gestational sac within the echogenic decidua, with a relatively undisturbed collapsed uterine cavity visualized as a thin echogenic line, is highly suggestive of an IUP (nine–11).The double sac sign (Fig ii), consisting of two concentric echogenic rings surrounding the fluid collection and separated past a thin crescent of endometrial fluid, is a sign of definitive IUP. The outer echogenic band represents the decidua parietalis, and the inner band represents the decidua capsularis and chorion (12). The intradecidual sign is visible before the double sac sign because in the intradecidual sign, the gestational sac is not large enough to deform the contour of the uterine cavity, while in the double sac sign, the gestational sac has grown large plenty to protrude into the endometrial cavity. The US appearance of early gestational sacs is variable, and while these ii signs are highly suggestive of an early IUP, they will be absent in at to the lowest degree 35% of gestational sacs (xiii). Thus, absence of these signs does not exclude an IUP. A nonspecific, empty, rounded intrauterine fluid drove seen in a significant patient has more than a 99.5% probability of representing a gestational sac (14). Therefore,
on the basis of the much college prevalence of IUP compared with ectopic pregnancy and the fact that a minority of ectopic pregnancies accept modest intrauterine fluid collections, a nonspecific fluid collection with a shine, rounded, or oval profile represents an IUP until proven otherwise.

Figure 1. Endovaginal US epitome demonstrates the intradecidual sign in a pregnant woman with pelvic pain. A 2-mm circular gestational sac (arrow) is embedded inside the decidua, adjacent to the collapsed endometrial cavity (arrowhead). The MSD is 2 mm, projecting to a gestational age of iv weeks 4 days.

Figure two. Endovaginal US image shows the double sac sign in a pregnant woman with pelvic cramps. A 4-mm gestational sac is surrounded past two echogenic rings. The inner band (pointer) represents the decidua capsularis around the chorion, and the outer ring (arrowhead) represents the decidua parietalis. The MSD is 3 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 4 weeks 6 days.
The yolk sac is the primeval intragestational sac structure to exist visualized at U.s. that can admittedly confirm an IUP. It is the primary maternal-fetal transport organization earlier the institution of a fully developed placental apportionment (xv) and can be visualized at approximately 5.5 weeks of gestational historic period (1) every bit a round 3–5-mm construction, commonly eccentrically located inside the gestational sac (Fig 3a). In gestational sacs at v.0–5.v weeks, the yolk sac may sometimes appear as two parallel lines, representing the leading border and the posterior wall, rather than as a discrete circumvolve (Fig 3b).

Figure 3a. Endovaginal US images show a normal yolk sac at varying stages of early pregnancy. (a) The yolk sac (arrow) is an eccentric round echogenic ring inside the gestational sac. The MSD is 12 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 5 weeks 6 days. (b) The yolk sac is seen as two parallel lines—representing the leading edge and posterior wall—within a small gestational sac. The MSD is 4 mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of 5 weeks 0 days.

Figure 3b. Endovaginal United states of america images evidence a normal yolk sac at varying stages of early pregnancy. (a) The yolk sac (pointer) is an eccentric circular echogenic ring within the gestational sac. The MSD is 12 mm, projecting to a gestational age of v weeks 6 days. (b) The yolk sac is seen as two parallel lines—representing the leading edge and posterior wall—within a small gestational sac. The MSD is 4 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 5 weeks 0 days.
The embryo is first visible at approximately half dozen weeks of gestational age every bit a one–2-mm structure (seven,xvi) at the periphery of the yolk sac. The length of the embryo is measured from the head (crown) to the buttocks (rump), hence the term crown-rump length (CRL) (Fig four), which is the virtually accurate measurement of gestational historic period through the beginning 12 weeks of pregnancy. The embryo should be visualized when the MSD is at least 25 mm (vi).

Effigy four. Endovaginal U.s.a. image in a pregnant adult female demonstrates the CRL. The embryo has a CRL of 3 mm (between the caliper marks) and is adjacent to a normal yolk sac. The estimated gestational age is 6 weeks 0 days on the basis of the CRL.
The embryo resides inside the amniotic crenel, and the yolk sac resides inside the chorionic crenel. The amniotic membrane is thinner than the yolk sac, and although it is seen more easily after 7 weeks (Fig 5), information technology can be seen as early on as 6.5 weeks of gestational age (17). Between 6.5 and 10 weeks of gestation, a linear human relationship exists between the bore of the amniotic cavity and the CRL, with the mean diameter of the amnion 10% larger than that of the CRL (18). In normal gestation, the chorionic cavity, amniotic cavity, and CRL grow proportionally until the onset of fetal urine production at about x weeks. The fetal urine unduly enlarges the amniotic cavity, which then grows faster than the chorionic cavity, with eventual fusion of the amnion and chorion at 14–16 weeks (19).

Figure 5. Endovaginal US image in a pregnant patient shows normal amnion and embryo morphology. The embryo (seen between the caliper marks) is within a normal thin-membraned amnion (arrowhead). The embryonic morphology is distinct with the advent of the rhombencephalon, seen as the anechoic structure within the head (arrow), and the developing limb buds at the periphery of the embryonic body (double-headed arrow). The CRL is 17 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 8 weeks ii days.
Cardiac pulsation in the two paired endocardial centre tubes begins at approximately the 6th calendar week of gestation; thus, information technology is possible to observe cardiac activity in embryos as small as 1–ii mm. All the same, absenteeism of cardiac activity in embryos smaller than four mm may also be normal (Figs 6, vii) (twenty). To allow for measurement inaccuracies, differing types of equipment, and other variations in U.s.a. imaging, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound established a measurement of seven mm and larger equally the CRL at which cardiac activity should be present (vi). Thus, a definitive diagnosis of failed pregnancy may be assigned merely if the embryo is at least 7 mm and lacks cardiac action. The embryonic heart rate accelerates over the first 6–viii weeks of gestation, with the lower limit of normality near 100 beats per infinitesimal at vi.2 weeks of gestation and 120 beats per infinitesimal at 6.iii–vii.0 weeks of gestation (21). Embryonic tachycardia, defined equally a heart rate of 135 beats per minute and higher before vi.3 weeks of gestation or 155 beats per infinitesimal and college at six.3–7.0 weeks of gestation, has been shown to have a expert prognosis, with a high probability of a normal outcome (22).

Figure 6. Endovaginal 1000-manner Usa image in a pregnant patient demonstrates normal cardiac activity of 122 beats per minute (bpm). The CRL is 3 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 6 weeks three days.

Effigy 7a. Endovaginal Us images in a pregnant patient with vaginal bleeding and a serum β-hCG level of 5420 mIU/mL (5420 IU/L) show development of cardiac activity. (a) Initial image shows a normal yolk sac and a CRL of 2 mm (arrow), projecting to a gestational historic period of 5 weeks 6 days. No cardiac activity was detected. (b) Follow-up image obtained 12 days later shows appropriate interval growth of the embryo (arrow). The CRL is 11 mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of 7 weeks three days. (c) M-fashion image shows normal cardiac action of 150 beats per infinitesimal (bpm).

Figure 7b. Endovaginal US images in a meaning patient with vaginal haemorrhage and a serum β-hCG level of 5420 mIU/mL (5420 IU/L) testify evolution of cardiac action. (a) Initial prototype shows a normal yolk sac and a CRL of 2 mm (pointer), projecting to a gestational historic period of 5 weeks half dozen days. No cardiac activity was detected. (b) Follow-up image obtained 12 days afterward shows appropriate interval growth of the embryo (arrow). The CRL is 11 mm, projecting to a gestational age of seven weeks 3 days. (c) Grand-mode image shows normal cardiac activity of 150 beats per minute (bpm).

Figure 7c. Endovaginal US images in a significant patient with vaginal bleeding and a serum β-hCG level of 5420 mIU/mL (5420 IU/L) bear witness development of cardiac activeness. (a) Initial epitome shows a normal yolk sac and a CRL of 2 mm (pointer), projecting to a gestational age of five weeks six days. No cardiac activity was detected. (b) Follow-up image obtained 12 days afterwards shows appropriate interval growth of the embryo (arrow). The CRL is eleven mm, projecting to a gestational age of 7 weeks 3 days. (c) G-way epitome shows normal cardiac action of 150 beats per minute (bpm).
Embryonic morphology is rather featureless until 7–8 weeks, when the spine can be visualized. At approximately 8 weeks of gestation, the caput curvature can exist separated from the body, and the 4 limb buds get apparent (23). The rhombencephalon, which is the developing hindbrain, is a prominent landmark at 8–10 weeks of gestation (24), actualization as an anechoic round structure within the head (Fig 5). Intrinsic motility of the embryo may be seen at as early as 8.0–eight.5 weeks. A timeline of normal early pregnancy development is listed in Tabular array 1.
Abnormal Early IUP
The timing of visualization of early on pregnancy landmarks—gestational sac at approximately five weeks of gestation, yolk sac at 5.5 weeks, and embryo at 6 weeks, with variation of ±0.5 weeks (7)—is accurate and consequent. Thus, whatever deviation from this expected time form may be either indicative of or definitive for a failed pregnancy. Discriminatory values for absence of cardiac activity at a sure CRL, absence of an embryo at a sure MSD, and time-based nonvisualization of a live embryo were established in the 1980s, when endovaginal The states was outset deployed. The criteria were based on small cohorts and originated in unmarried-establishment academic centers at a time when interobserver variability and standard departure in measurements were non widely used. More recently, reports of large population-based studies performed by heterogeneous groups of imagers accept shown greater variability (25,26). In addition, modern handling of ectopic pregnancy has shifted to use of nonsurgical therapy. Use of methotrexate instead of surgery does not let corroboration of the US-based diagnosis and will also potentially damage an IUP. With the goal of accented certainty of pregnancy failure before initiation of irrevocable medical or surgical management, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound 2012 consensus panel revisited the traditional discriminatory values to establish more conservative criteria for definitive pregnancy failure (Tabular array two) and suspicion of pregnancy failure (Tabular array 3) (6).
For many years, an empty gestational sac (without a yolk sac) of 8 mm and larger was considered diagnostic of pregnancy failure, only this benchmark is now considered as well narrow and has been abandoned (half-dozen,25–27).
Previously, a CRL of five mm without cardiac activity fulfilled the criterion for pregnancy failure; however, in ane series, this resulted in a fake-positive rate of viii.3% (25). There have also been reports of embryos with a CRL of 6 mm and no cardiac activity resulting in viable pregnancies (28).
Because of interobserver variability in endovaginal Usa measurements of CRL (29), a vii-mm CRL (Fig eight) is necessary to yield a specificity and positive predictive value of 100%, thereby decreasing the likelihood of a false-positive diagnosis associated with a v-mm CRL cutoff
The same reasoning applies to using (a) an MSD cutoff of 25 mm without an embryo equally a criterion for pregnancy failure (Fig 9), rather than the previously recommended MSD of sixteen mm (xxx); and (b) an MSD range of 16–24 mm without an embryo as an indicator of suspicion of pregnancy failure
(Fig 10). Using an
MSDof 16 mm equally a cutoff to diagnose pregnancy failure resulted in a simulated-positive rate of 4.4% in one series (25). Gestational sacs with mean diameters between 17 and 21 mm and no visible embryo have resulted in viable pregnancies (25,26). Because of interobserver variability in endovaginal US measurements, an
MSDcutoff of 25 mm increases the specificity to 100% (29). Not all failed or potentially nonviable intrauterine pregnancies demonstrate a 7-mm
CRLwithout cardiac activity or a 25-mm
MSDwith no embryo, necessitating additional criteria based on nonvisualization of a live embryo by a certain time interval (Fig eleven).

Effigy eight. Endovaginal US prototype shows a nonviable IUP. An baggy embryo (arrowhead) is seen with a CRL of 20 mm, projecting to a gestational age of viii weeks 4 days, only in that location was no cardiac activity. These findings are consequent with a nonviable IUP because the CRL measures at least 7 mm. Notation the irregular gestational sac contour (arrow), a sign of poor prognosis.

Figure nine. Endovaginal United states image demonstrates a nonviable IUP. There is an empty gestational sac with an MSD of 29 mm. Fine linear echogenic debris is noted in the sac, but there is no yolk sac or embryo. The estimated gestational historic period is 8 weeks 1 day. The findings are in keeping with a nonviable IUP considering the MSD measures at to the lowest degree 25 mm.

Figure 10a. Endovaginal US images show findings suspicious for but not diagnostic of pregnancy failure at initial United states and findings of nonviable IUP at follow-up US. (a) Initial findings are suspicious for pregnancy failure but non diagnostic. In that location is an irregular gestational sac (arrowheads) with an MSD of 17 mm, an enlarged empty amnion (arrows), and no embryo or yolk sac. (b) Follow-up image obtained 10 days later shows a nonviable IUP. At that place is a lack of appropriate interval growth of the gestational sac and no embryo. Note the hydropic changes in the chorionic villi (arrow). The MSD is nineteen mm, projecting to a gestational age of half dozen weeks 6 days.

Figure 10b. Endovaginal U.s. images show findings suspicious for but non diagnostic of pregnancy failure at initial US and findings of nonviable IUP at follow-upward The states. (a) Initial findings are suspicious for pregnancy failure but not diagnostic. There is an irregular gestational sac (arrowheads) with an MSD of 17 mm, an enlarged empty amnion (arrows), and no embryo or yolk sac. (b) Follow-up image obtained 10 days later shows a nonviable IUP. There is a lack of appropriate interval growth of the gestational sac and no embryo. Note the hydropic changes in the chorionic villi (arrow). The MSD is 19 mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of six weeks 6 days.

Figure 11a. Endovaginal U.s. images show findings of uncertain pregnancy viability at initial U.s. and a nonviable IUP at follow-upward US. (a) Initial image shows a circular gestational sac that contains a yolk sac (arrow) and a possible adjacent embryo. The MSD is 14 mm, projecting to a gestational age of vi weeks ane day. (b) Follow-upwardly paradigm obtained xiii days later shows lack of appropriate growth of the gestational sac, with an MSD of 16 mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of six weeks iii days. There is a 4-mm embryo (unmarried arrowhead) within an expanded amnion (arrow). No cardiac activity was detected. A yolk sac is nowadays (double arrowhead). Findings are diagnostic of pregnancy failure.

Figure 11b. Endovaginal US images testify findings of uncertain pregnancy viability at initial United states of america and a nonviable IUP at follow-up US. (a) Initial image shows a round gestational sac that contains a yolk sac (arrow) and a possible adjacent embryo. The MSD is fourteen mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of 6 weeks i day. (b) Follow-upwardly image obtained 13 days after shows lack of advisable growth of the gestational sac, with an MSD of 16 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 6 weeks 3 days. There is a 4-mm embryo (single arrowhead) within an expanded amnion (arrow). No cardiac activeness was detected. A yolk sac is nowadays (double arrowhead). Findings are diagnostic of pregnancy failure.
Morphologic assessment of the individual components of a pregnancy—including the gestational sac, the yolk sac, the amnion, the embryo, cardiac action, and the decidua—is helpful in evaluating the prognosis of the pregnancy (Table four). Additional findings that are suspicious for pregnancy failure in the consensus panel criteria include an empty amniotic sac, an enlarged yolk sac, and small gestational sac size relative to embryo size. Given the similar length of the amniotic cavity to the CRL during vi.v–10 weeks of gestation in a normal pregnancy, the presence of an "empty amnion" with no identifiable embryo side by side to a yolk sac is an indication of poor prognosis (Figs 10a, 12) (31) and should prompt Usa follow-up. An enlarged yolk sac larger than 7 mm (Fig 13) (fifteen) and minor gestational sac size relative to embryo size (defined as less than a v-mm departure between the MSD and the CRL) (Fig 14) have likewise been associated with poor pregnancy upshot (32). An irregular gestational sac (lack of a shine contour and/or presence of a distorted sac shape) is highly suggestive of an abnormal IUP. In one serial, this finding had a 100% specificity and a 100% positive predictive value for an abnormal IUP, only it had a depression sensitivity of 10% (Fig 10a) (33). The presence of a calcified yolk sac (Fig 15) suggests that the embryonic demise is likely of a relatively long-standing duration of 2 weeks or longer (34). An enlarged or expanded amnion (amnion as well large for the size of the embryo) (17,xviii) (Figs 15, sixteen), embryonic bradycardia of 85 beats per minute or less (35), degenerative hydropic changes (Fig 10b) inside the chorionic villi, and amorphous shape of the embryo at 7–8 weeks of gestation (Fig 8) are also signs of poor prognosis and should prompt US follow-upward.

Figure 12. Endovaginal Us image demonstrates an "empty amnion," a sign of poor prognosis. An empty amnion (arrow) is seen adjacent to a normal yolk sac (arrowhead). The MSD is 2.ii, projecting to an estimated gestational age of vii weeks 2 days. An embryo should be nowadays within the amnion in a normal IUP.

Figure 13. Endovaginal US paradigm shows an enlarged yolk sac, a sign of poor prognosis. An enlarged seven-mm yolk sac (arrow) is seen within an irregular gestational sac with an MSD of 10 mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of five weeks 5 days, and contains no embryo. Findings are suspicious for pregnancy failure simply are not diagnostic.

Figure 14a. Endovaginal US images demonstrate small gestational sac size relative to CRL, a sign of poor prognosis. (a) Initial image shows a gestational sac with an MSD of xiv mm, projecting to a gestational age of 6 weeks 1 day. The sac contains an embryo with a CRL of 11 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 7 weeks 3 days. The difference between the MSD and CRL is less than v mm, a sign of poor prognosis. (b) K-way image shows regular cardiac activity of 160 beats per minute. Despite the presence of cardiac activity, the findings are suspicious for pregnancy failure merely are not diagnostic. (c) Follow-upwardly M-mode image obtained two days later for vaginal bleeding shows an baggy embryo (with a CRL of xvi mm) without cardiac activity, in keeping with a nonviable IUP.

Figure 14b. Endovaginal The states images demonstrate small gestational sac size relative to CRL, a sign of poor prognosis. (a) Initial image shows a gestational sac with an MSD of xiv mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of 6 weeks 1 day. The sac contains an embryo with a CRL of 11 mm, projecting to a gestational age of vii weeks 3 days. The difference between the MSD and CRL is less than v mm, a sign of poor prognosis. (b) M-mode image shows regular cardiac activity of 160 beats per minute. Despite the presence of cardiac activity, the findings are suspicious for pregnancy failure but are not diagnostic. (c) Follow-up M-style image obtained 2 days later on for vaginal bleeding shows an baggy embryo (with a CRL of 16 mm) without cardiac activity, in keeping with a nonviable IUP.

Figure 14c. Endovaginal Us images demonstrate small gestational sac size relative to CRL, a sign of poor prognosis. (a) Initial image shows a gestational sac with an MSD of fourteen mm, projecting to a gestational age of 6 weeks i day. The sac contains an embryo with a CRL of 11 mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of 7 weeks 3 days. The difference between the MSD and CRL is less than 5 mm, a sign of poor prognosis. (b) M-way image shows regular cardiac activeness of 160 beats per minute. Despite the presence of cardiac action, the findings are suspicious for pregnancy failure only are not diagnostic. (c) Follow-upward One thousand-fashion image obtained 2 days later for vaginal haemorrhage shows an amorphous embryo (with a CRL of 16 mm) without cardiac activity, in keeping with a nonviable IUP.

Figure xv. Endovaginal US prototype shows a calcified yolk sac (pointer), which is a sign of poor prognosis. There is also an enlarged amnion (arrowheads). The CRL (not shown) was 20 mm, projecting to an estimated gestational historic period of 8 weeks v days, and no cardiac activity was seen, findings consistent with a nonviable IUP.

Figure xvi. Endovaginal U.s. prototype shows an expanded amnion, which is a sign of poor prognosis. The expanded amnion (arrows) surrounds a 5-mm embryo that lacked cardiac activity on Thou-mode images. Notation the adjacent yolk sac (arrowhead). The MSD is 14 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 6 weeks 1 day.
Subchorionic hemorrhage is reported in xviii%–22% of first-trimester pregnancies with vaginal haemorrhage (36,37). The clinical significance depends on the size of the hematoma (Fig 17). The chance of pregnancy loss is doubled in large hematomas, particularly when at that place is encirclement of more than two-thirds of the chorionic circumference (38). The chorionic crash-land, thought to represent a small hematoma at the choriodecidual surface that bulges into the gestational sac (Fig eighteen), is a controversial sign and has been associated with a guarded prognosis (39), but a more recent report demonstrated a more than equivocal prognosis (xl).

Figure 17. Endovaginal US prototype shows a large subchorionic hemorrhage. A big hypoechoic collection (arrows) separates the chorion from the echogenic decidua and encircles almost half of the circumference of the gestational sac.

Figure eighteen. Endovaginal US image shows a chorionic bump. There is a focal echogenic convexity jutting from the echogenic choriodecidual reaction (arrow) into the gestational sac. An amorphous embryo with a CRL of 20 mm, projecting to an estimated gestational age of 8 weeks 4 days, was shown to lack cardiac activeness, in keeping with a nonviable IUP.
Pregnancy of Unknown Location
Pregnancy of unknown location is the term given to the transient state of early pregnancy during which no definite IUP is visualized at Us and the adnexa are normal—in other words, a "normal" pelvic United states finding. At this phase, the three main possibilities include early IUP, occult ectopic pregnancy, and completed spontaneous abortion. Unfortunately, a single β-hCG serum level does not allow reliable differentiation among these possibilities
(6,41). In the setting of a positive pregnancy test with depression
β-hCGlevels, information technology may be too early to visualize the site of blastocyst implantation. Despite several studies in which a discriminatory
β-hCGlevel (the value higher up which an intrauterine gestational sac is consistently seen at The states in normal pregnancies) of g–2000 mIU/mL (k–2000 IU/L) was reported, the reliability of the discriminatory level in ruling out a viable pregnancy is less than that reported initially. For example, studies have reported cases of embryos with cardiac activity at follow-up United states after initial US showed no gestational sac with a β-hCG level above 2000–3000 mIU/mL (2000–3000 IU/L) (42,43). In addition, a multiple-gestation pregnancy results in higher
β-hCGlevels at any gestational historic period compared with those in a singleton pregnancy (vii,44). While the probability of an ectopic pregnancy is substantially increased with an empty uterus and college
β-hCGlevels, specially if the level is higher than 3000 mIU/mL (3000 IU/L), there is still a 0.v% likelihood of a feasible
IUP(vi). Thus,
in a patient who is hemodynamically stable and has a pregnancy of unknown location, it is less harmful to wait, follow the β-hCG levels, and echo the US exam than to presumptively care for an ectopic pregnancy.
By explaining the limits of our engineering, health care providers can help patients appreciate the uncertainty of diagnosis and the demand for appropriate follow-up. Every bit and so eloquently stated by Doubilet and Benson (fourteen), "First, do no harm."
Awarding of Terminology
Accurate interpretation of outset-trimester US findings requires application of appropriate and consistent terminology, as set forth past Doubilet et al (6). Effigy nineteen lists the possible impressions when radiologists dictate the findings of an early-pregnancy Us examination. Feasible IUP and nonviable IUP findings are straightforward. However, IUP of unknown viability is a broad category and is potentially disruptive. To be precise, IUP of unknown viability tin apply to normal situations before evolution of an embryo that has cardiac activity, including an empty sac, a sac with a yolk sac simply no embryo, and a sac with a yolk sac and an embryo smaller than 4 mm but no cardiac activeness (20). A 2nd category of unknown viability applies when there are findings suspicious for pregnancy failure (signs of poor prognosis). Nosotros have found that using the term IUP of unknown viability is more advisable in this instance because it conveys a sense of circumspection. Alternatively, for the small gestational sacs, we use the term early on intrauterine gestational sac at __ gestational age instead of IUP of unknown viability and recommend follow-upwardly U.s. to confirm normal development of the pregnancy.

Figure 19. Diagram outlines various early-pregnancy US impressions.
Pregnancy of unknown location has several subsets, and we have encountered these scenarios during application of the terminology to our patient population. With substantially normal pelvic United states findings, the differential diagnosis of "very early IUP," "nonvisualized ectopic pregnancy," or "completed spontaneous abortion" is provided (Fig 20). When at that place is vaginal bleeding and a thickened heterogeneous endometrium due to claret products (Fig 21), we have used "pregnancy of unknown location, favoring a spontaneous ballgame in progress." A finding of focal low-resistance arterial trophoblastic period can exist helpful to confirm the intrauterine implantation site in these situations (45). However, spectral Doppler Us should not be used in the start trimester if there is a possibility of a normal feasible IUP. A third scenario is an indeterminate intrauterine drove. While an intrauterine gestational sac and early on IUP may be most likely, the differential diagnosis likewise includes a decidual cyst (Fig 22) and localized intrauterine fluid (Fig 23) (46). Thus, in these situations, it is recommended that follow-upwards β-hCG levels be obtained and that follow-up endovaginal Us be performed later on 7–ten days.

Figure 20a. Endovaginal US images in a pregnant woman show a pregnancy of unknown location, with an IUP seen at follow-up U.s.. (a) At initial US, the patient had a β-hCG level of 334 mIU/mL (334 IU/50) and demonstrated a normal endometrium, no intrauterine fluid collection, and normal adnexa—essentially "normal" pelvic U.s.a. findings. The differential diagnosis was early IUP, occult ectopic pregnancy, or completed spontaneous abortion. (b) Follow-up image obtained 7 days subsequently shows a rounded intrauterine fluid drove with intradecidual and double sac signs, findings that ostend IUP. The MSD is vi mm, projecting to a gestational age of 5 weeks 1 day. The β-hCG level increased to 4410 mIU/mL (4410 IU/L).

Figure 20b. Endovaginal United states of america images in a pregnant woman show a pregnancy of unknown location, with an IUP seen at follow-upward Usa. (a) At initial US, the patient had a β-hCG level of 334 mIU/mL (334 IU/L) and demonstrated a normal endometrium, no intrauterine fluid collection, and normal adnexa—essentially "normal" pelvic Us findings. The differential diagnosis was early IUP, occult ectopic pregnancy, or completed spontaneous abortion. (b) Follow-up epitome obtained vii days later shows a rounded intrauterine fluid collection with intradecidual and double sac signs, findings that confirm IUP. The MSD is half dozen mm, projecting to a gestational age of 5 weeks i day. The β-hCG level increased to 4410 mIU/mL (4410 IU/L).

Figure 21a. Endovaginal US images in a pregnant woman with vaginal haemorrhage and a β-hCG level of 24,670 mIU/mL (24,670 IU/L) testify a pregnancy of unknown location, with findings favoring abortion in progress. (a) Prototype shows a retroverted uterus with an expanded uterine cavity (arrows) due to heterogeneous echogenic material that represents claret products. No gestational sac is identified. The adnexa are normal, with no blood seen in the pelvis. (b) Color Doppler Usa epitome shows focal trophoblastic menses at the endometrial-myometrial junction (arrow), a finding that suggests the pregnancy implantation site.

Figure 21b. Endovaginal The states images in a pregnant woman with vaginal bleeding and a β-hCG level of 24,670 mIU/mL (24,670 IU/L) show a pregnancy of unknown location, with findings favoring abortion in progress. (a) Image shows a retroverted uterus with an expanded uterine cavity (arrows) due to heterogeneous echogenic material that represents claret products. No gestational sac is identified. The adnexa are normal, with no claret seen in the pelvis. (b) Color Doppler US prototype shows focal trophoblastic catamenia at the endometrial-myometrial junction (pointer), a finding that suggests the pregnancy implantation site.

Figure 22. Transverse endovaginal US image in a adult female with a β-hCG level of 20 mIU/mL (twenty IU/L) shows decidual cysts, which appear every bit numerous ane–2-mm anechoic cysts (arrows) within the decidua.

Figure 23. Endovaginal U.s. epitome in a meaning patient with right lower quadrant pain demonstrates a pregnancy of unknown location with an indeterminate intrauterine collection. The patient's β-hCG level was 287 mIU/mL (287 IU/L). There is an irregular intrauterine anechoic fluid collection within the lower endometrium, without the intradecidual or double sac signs. The adnexa were normal. The constellation of findings is consistent with pregnancy of unknown location. The patient experienced a spontaneous ballgame, and the β-hCG level decreased to 29 mIU/mL (29 IU/L).
Information technology is important to note that not all cases fit nicely into the scenarios described previously. For example, in a patient who likely has an intrauterine gestational sac and blood in the pelvis (Fig 24), is the blood due to a leaking hemorrhagic ovarian cyst or a heterotopic pregnancy? If the patient is clinically unstable, she may require surgery to make up one's mind the origin of the bleeding. Regardless of the variable imaging features, the principle to retrieve is that if in that location is a potential IUP, methotrexate should not be administered to the patient. If the patient is stable, follow-up endovaginal United states of america should be performed, and β-hCG levels should exist obtained.

Effigy 24a. Endovaginal United states images in a problematic case demonstrate potential IUP and blood in the pelvis in a pregnant woman with acute left pelvic pain and a β-hCG level of 621 mIU/mL (621 IU/50). (a) Paradigm shows a round two-mm sac with an echogenic rim (pointer) within the decidua (intradecidual sign), which is highly probable to exist an IUP. The MSD is 2 mm, projecting to a gestational age of 4 weeks iii days. (b) Paradigm shows an enlarged 7 × 5 × v-cm left ovary (between the caliper marks) that contains an echogenic surface area (arrow) suspicious for hemorrhage. Note the follicles in the left ovary (arrowheads). (c) Paradigm shows a minor to moderate amount of complex free fluid (arrow) in the pelvis, a finding that represents blood. The differential diagnosis was early on IUP with ruptured left ovarian cyst, heterotopic pregnancy, or ovarian torsion. The patient required surgery because of pain. A normal left fallopian tube was institute, every bit well as a ruptured left hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst with side by side blood, which was evacuated in the operating room.

Figure 24b. Endovaginal US images in a problematic case demonstrate potential IUP and blood in the pelvis in a pregnant woman with acute left pelvic pain and a β-hCG level of 621 mIU/mL (621 IU/L). (a) Epitome shows a round 2-mm sac with an echogenic rim (arrow) within the decidua (intradecidual sign), which is highly likely to be an IUP. The MSD is two mm, projecting to a gestational age of 4 weeks three days. (b) Image shows an enlarged 7 × 5 × 5-cm left ovary (between the caliper marks) that contains an echogenic area (arrow) suspicious for hemorrhage. Note the follicles in the left ovary (arrowheads). (c) Image shows a pocket-size to moderate amount of complex free fluid (arrow) in the pelvis, a finding that represents blood. The differential diagnosis was early IUP with ruptured left ovarian cyst, heterotopic pregnancy, or ovarian torsion. The patient required surgery because of pain. A normal left fallopian tube was found, besides as a ruptured left hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst with side by side blood, which was evacuated in the operating room.

Effigy 24c. Endovaginal Usa images in a problematic example demonstrate potential IUP and claret in the pelvis in a meaning adult female with acute left pelvic pain and a β-hCG level of 621 mIU/mL (621 IU/L). (a) Prototype shows a round 2-mm sac with an echogenic rim (arrow) within the decidua (intradecidual sign), which is highly likely to be an IUP. The MSD is 2 mm, projecting to a gestational historic period of 4 weeks iii days. (b) Image shows an enlarged 7 × v × 5-cm left ovary (between the caliper marks) that contains an echogenic area (arrow) suspicious for hemorrhage. Note the follicles in the left ovary (arrowheads). (c) Image shows a small to moderate amount of complex free fluid (arrow) in the pelvis, a finding that represents blood. The differential diagnosis was early on IUP with ruptured left ovarian cyst, heterotopic pregnancy, or ovarian torsion. The patient required surgery considering of pain. A normal left fallopian tube was found, equally well as a ruptured left hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst with adjacent blood, which was evacuated in the operating room.
The combination of pelvic The states findings and quantitative β-hCG levels provides united states with powerful tools in diagnosis of early pregnancy, including normal IUP, nonviable IUP, and ectopic pregnancy. While patients may desire definitive results, our goal must exist to protect both mother and baby past providing accurate and articulate interpretations that lead to intervention just in cases of definitively failed IUP or visualized ectopic pregnancy. It can be much more harmful to intervene in patients with a "pregnancy of unknown location" (because a small per centum of these may exist nonvisualized ectopic pregnancies) or in cases of "unknown viability" than to perform follow-up at advisable intervals by obtaining β-hCG levels and conducting repeat Usa. The event of the increased number of necessary follow-up examinations as a result of these conservative guidelines has been studied, and it is not costly. Information technology has been shown that only 12% of pregnancies previously categorized as nonviable are placed in the more than conservative "suspicious for pregnancy failure" category, necessitating a follow-up test earlier treatment (47). Therefore, with safety and cost-effectiveness in mind, discriminatory US landmarks should be set for 100% specificity at the expense of sensitivity. The Lodge of Radiologists in Ultrasound 2012 consensus panel of radiologists, obstetricians, and emergency medicine physicians established new terminology and a new set of discriminatory criteria to address these issues. In add-on, they recognized a variety of US findings and associated time intervals for which a diagnosis of "suspicion for pregnancy failure" should be used and discussed with the patient. Radiologists should exist familiar with the progression of normal and abnormal offset-trimester Usa findings and develop an understanding of the accepted terminology to utilize in their interpretations, so that referring physicians will conspicuously sympathise our intent and treat their patients safely.
Presented as an education exhibit at the 2014 RSNA Annual Meeting. For this journal-based SA-CME activity, the authors, editor, and reviewers have disclosed no relevant relationships.
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Received: April 5 2015
Revision requested: May 11 2015
Revision received: June 23 2015
Accepted: July 17 2015
Published online: Nov 12 2015
Published in impress: Nov 2015
Can Small Gestational Sac Catch Up Size,
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